Birdline ACT
Published sightings for the week ending 30 Dec 2012.
Fri 28 Dec
Painted Honeyeater
Mulligan's Flat Sanctuary
I had the good fortune to see 2 male Painted Honeyeaters at Mulligan's Flat Sanctuary today. One chased the other away and then proceeded to call for a while from deep within a mistletoe-infested Blakely's Red Gum. They were in the vicinity of the COG bird walk marker #5.
PJ Milburn
Wed 26 Dec
Black Falcon
O'Connor Ridge
A female Black Falcon cruised southeast, nose across the wind, along O'Connor Ridge at around 19:00 this evening.
PJ Milburn
Plumed Whistling-Duck
Uriarra Crossing
Twelve Plumed Whistling-Ducks seen on the opposite side of the river at the edge of the water.
Christine D
Sun 23 Dec
Spotted Dove
Jerrabombera Wetlands and Kellys Swamp
A single adult Spotted Dove in a dead tree just across the footbridge towards Fulica hide, mid afternoon. This is the first I have seen in this area, though I note that it has been reported twice there in recent months (Oct, A. Smith: Nov. S. Holliday) and once in 2001. At Kellys the water level was down and there were two dead carp floating on the surface. A Purple Swamphen was pecking and eating one of the bodies.
Robin Hide
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