So, given that many of you seem to have pairs of old unwanted binos,
surely there is someone prepared to donate a pair to a guy who cannot
afford a pair yet looks after and helps recover injured and/or sick
birds ? Please note that this is not an appeal on my own behalf, I live
in Adelaide, but is for a guy living SE of Melbourne on the Mornington
If you contact me privately I can forward you his address. Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Michelle Plant
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:30 AM
To: Judith Hoyle
Subject: old binoculars
Judith - Graeme Hamilton CEO from Birds Australia is looking in to
possibilities (repair opportunities) - will post / reply to you when
feedback through. He also thinks it is a great idea.
I would also recommend getting in touch with Allan - he is also very
passionate about getting young people involved and has a bit of a
network happening already. He might give you some ideas to try in your
neck of the woods. (I will check if I can pass on his email to you.)
Maybe - it would be good to have some young people involved in
co-ordinating the effort / targetting to their needs and interests at
their age - not just us older mid/older generation. A youth Birds Aus /
Observers network.
Kind regards