I as a wildlife carer know that
people will always be feeding our wildlife. I would rather tell them what to
feed the birds than them feeding the wrong foods. People feed Lorikeets seed,
when they are nectar feeders?? They lose the bristles on the tips of their
tongues by eating just seed. I also let people know a small parrot mix is best
for seed eating birds and you can get a dry nectar powder from pet shops for
Lorikeets, honeyeaters and Wattlebirds, they love the dry powder. Bread, honey,
sugar, milk, cheese, bacon, processed meats, are ALL VERY BAD for birds. You all
would be so suprised to hear what people will feed birds?? All of the above and
more. I have made up an information leaflet for people who ask me. I'd rather
they feed something that wont harm the bird too much and they shouldn't feed for
long periods otherwise the birds wont look for food for