On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 02:00:13PM +0000, Mark Hellman wrote:
> Without the decompressor, is the module of any practical use? I mean, does
yes you can use lower resolution 160x120 and 320x240 that do native YUV420P.
> the "gray image" problem that affects my Philips 740 at every resolution
> also affects all other cameras?
What is the gray image ? the decompressor is only use for biffer resolution
(640x480) and some 320x240 (by memory). So the gray image effect is:
- you don't see the image, => missing the decompressor i think.
- you have a gray border around the image because you are using a bad
resolution in v4l1. => it's feature (but i don't like it) that is not
present in v4l2.
Note: I don't use the driver in the kernel.
> Do you mean that until there is a pwc version that supports v4l2, the driver
> in the mainline kernel will remain broken?
They are already a driver that support v4l2, but it's not in the mainline
kernel. This is problem that need to be fixed, but cleanup the code, and add
features is (for me) the most important part. So for the moment, grab the
driver on my website.
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