Hey Russ,
Polar patterns, even with high end mics, aren't quite as exact as it might =
seem in the specs:). A few degrees may make an audible difference in the s=
ubject bird's sound, that's true. But the off-axis rejection remains the s=
ame, and is what you're buying a shotgun for.
Distance is also a big factor. For example, the hyper-cardioid sensitivity=
at a few feet (i.e., just out of a camera frame:) is much more directional=
, tight, and a few degrees makes much more difference close up.
At a distance of a few meters, even 3-4, the pattern is wider... read, more=
forgiving:). The 'sweet spot' broadens with distance.
And, as you become farther from your subject, the relationship between your=
subject and ambient noise becomes less pronounced... this is when off axis=
rejection becomes more important.
Subordinate considerations are:
Message: 1.
Subject: Your style, how close you usually get
Message: 2.
Subject: Your hunting grounds, how accesssble, how noisey
Message: 3.
Subject: Your wallet:)
Hope this helps,
Have fun!