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Re: Thought Experiment to Benefit Those Starting Out in the Hobby...

Subject: Re: Thought Experiment to Benefit Those Starting Out in the Hobby...
From: lamprophis1963
Date: Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:06 am ((PST))
Jim, =0D
 Some great advice so far.  But before I followed any of that advice (excep=
t maybe a couple of memory cards), I would sit down and figure out where I =
want to go with this hobby.  =0D
 Each of us comes here with slightly different goals in their recording.  E=
ach of these specific goals may lead you down a different "gear acquisition=
 trajectory".   Some of us immediately jump to a shotgun mic or parabola fo=
r isolation of specific species.  Others are interested in creating the mos=
t natural sounding "image" of the world we experience.  Yet others are inte=
rested in understanding the unheard parts of the natural biophany (infrasou=
nd, ultrasound).  They are many wonderful things to enjoy about nature reco=
rding.  You need to consider where you want to start to help you decide.=0D
 You have a capable, portable and quiet stereo recording setup already.  Ma=
ybe get outside a bit, make some recordings and when you listen to them you=
 will find yourself saying "Darn, I wish I had been able to capture /more _=
_____ / less _______ / the sense of _______/ etc. in this recording!"   Tha=
t will tell you what your next acquisition should be.=0D
 Lastly, as you progress, never be dependent on a single piece of gear for =
"important" recordings.  If you find yourself traveling to new and interest=
ing areas to make those once in a lifetime recordings, you don't want to mi=
ss out because one piece of your gear fails.=0D
 I lost my LS-10 recorder in the jungles of Ecuador halfway through my two =
week trip there.  It was crushing to lose those recordings and not be able =
to record the rest of the trip.  =0D
 From another "learning experience", I know own a Sony ICD-PX312 voice reco=
rder that I bought at Walmart (the only store within 100 miles that sold re=
corders) when my LS-11 got soaked and stopped working on a recording trip t=
o another state.  It isn't nearly as good as the LS-11, but it will take a =
Message: 3.
Subject: 5mm mic and allowed me to keep enjoying my trip.  (The LS-11 was fine 
er a night in a bag with some desiccant).=0D
 Enjoy whatever trajectory this hobby takes you on!=0D

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