Good points, Peter. I'd wondered about calibration ever since I read about =
Gordon Hempton's sound level measurements in the Quietudes chapter of his n=
ew book. And the rest... Except for the stuff Gene has listed on his Froglo=
ggers site, I've never even seen dedicated recorders like the kind you're d=
escribing. Do you have any URLs for that kind of hardware? It'd be good to =
know what's out there.
Completely different subject, requirements, etc., but a while back my boss=
tasked me with coming up with a remotely operable contact microphone that =
could take ten seconds of audio, run an FFT, do all sorts of things, then s=
pit back all the files. Two of us at work wound up building a more or less =
turnkey system we could crank out pretty easily, but if there's already ded=
icated hardware that we could've turned to our needs, that would've made li=
fe a lot easier.
I don't want to take over this thread with stereo micing techniques, so I'=
ll start a new one and share what I've done.