> I am talking like 15+ meters, in nature (far from urban EMI). I wonder ho=
> much can such thing affect quality.
> One thing that comes to mind is external preamp next to mics, which would=
> boost their level. But is it really necessary?
I've got a total of 450 meters of double cable on drums which I use in my
bit of wood. I use MKH mics which have a low actual impedance, and match th=
cable impedance into a mixer, but this is an extreme case. This requires
balanced line working and I still picked up some hum which I traced to an
electricity supply ground which had a few volts on it. The problem was
grounded XLR shells on the ground and when I insulated them the hum went.
The whole house must have been at a volt or so of AC compared with the real=
ground ground.
This is an extreme case but the limit for about 15 metre runs depends on th=
actual (not the rated) impedance of the mic and recorder input.
As ever, I recommend an A-B test with short cables and then the long cables=
If you can't hear the difference, stop worrying. :-)
Many mics are unbalanced, with one signal lead connected to ground as with=