Hello there, =0D
Today I was thinking about ordering the Fostex FR2LE Super MOD CF recorder=
from http://www.oade.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=3DPROD&Store_Code=3DOBA&P=
roduct_Code=3DFOSFR2LESMOD-GND&Category_Code=3DFOSFR2LE-SMOD http://www.oad=
LESMOD-GND&Category_Code=3DFOSFR2LE-SMOD as suggested by Murmer. But before=
placing the order I decided to have a look at the alternatives offered by =
the Oade Brothers Audio. I came across the Roland R44 Super MOD and I wond=
er how it compares to the Fostex FR-2LE Super Mod. Does anybody have any ex=
perience with these two recorders? I liked the fact that the Roland R44 has=
twice as many XRL input as the Fostex FR2LE, but is the price difference =
worth it?=0D
I have tried to find some technical details about both recorders, but to b=
e honest my technical know-how is rather limited when it comes to choosing =
field recorders. =0D
I had a look at http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/542280-REG/Edirol_Ro=
land_R_44_R_44_Solid_State_Four_Channel_Portable.html http://www.bhphotovid=
l_Portable.html and http://www.avisoft.com/recordertests.htm http://www.avi=
soft.com/recordertests.htm and both recorders seem like good choices. =0D
Best Regards,=0D
Paulo Rocha=0D