> Can the Sound Devices 702 be set up like a Marantz PMD 661 to record two =
tracks with different gain levels from a single mic input? I'd like to be a=
ble to record a second track at a lower gain level in case a bird suddenly =
vocalizes too loudly for the first (higher gain) track, but I'm not sure it=
can be done. Has anyone set up a 702 for dual mono recording?
I've written many times on the joy of digital recording when you can record=
low and bring the level up afterwards without hearing the difference. There=
is simply no need to risk overload except perhaps with close thunder.
The difference between stereo recording and two track recording is the
limiter. With stereo the limiter preserves the stereo image by lowering the=
gain on both channels. With multi-channel recorders, the limiters should
work in stereo pairs, leaving other channel gain levels unaltered.
To my ears, limiters ruin a recording even if they don't produce a "hole"
after a peak.
David Brinicombe