Hi Anders,
I have a feeling, based on some experience with the combination, the EM172'=
s and the PCM M10 are a pretty good match - fairly balanced noise wise. The=
use of a separate preamp will not help with the mic self noise of the EM17=
2, as is evidenced by your tests with the Mix-pre. Would using quieter mics=
with the Mix-pre into the PCM M10 be practical or would the M10 input nois=
e compromise any benefits?
John Hartog
--- In "kronseth" <> =
> Hello again!
> I=B4m back with another amateur issue:-)
> I recently purchased a PCM M10, and I=B4m currently using the EM172=B4s, =
wich I guess most of you are familiar with. I=B4ve been recording really qu=
iet soundcapes,(no traffic for miles, mainly distant sounds etc.) with the =
the mics feeding the recorder directly into the Mic-in on the M10. After so=
me experimenting I figured maybe I could put my Mixpre-D in front of it, to=
squeeze out som more hiss-free dbs.
> Been running the capsules from a stereo diy battery-box, (9v battery, 1 u=
f capacitor, 10k resistor), into the Mixpre, and the from the Mixpre-D (tri=
ed both the xlr=B4s and the tape-out). Tried both line-ins and mic-in here.=
In these circumstances the hiss from the Mixpre comes apparent when dialed=
beyond 12 o=B4clock.
> I=B4ve tried calibrated the M10 to -20 from the tone-generator of the Mix=
> I=B4m starting to suspect that running the EM172=B4s directly into the mi=
c-in on the M10, at low sensitivity and a bit of gain is as quiet I can com=
e with this setup, leaving out the Mixpre all together. Anyone has any inpu=
t or experience with this?
> Any feedback appreciated!
> Best
> -Anders