Subject: | Summary: [Nature Recordists] Re: EIN values and bits and peaks |
From: | "John Crockett" naturalcontemplative |
Date: | Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:07 am ((PST)) |
I have also been doing this in Excel. I just posted a small (36KB) spreadsheet (calculations.xls) online that does two things: Calculate microphone EIN (dBu) from any combination of self noise and sensitivity. Calculate total noise for any two combined sources (e.g. microphone + preamp). I have many other formulas for converting dB to mV/Pa and converting between dBV and dBu for example, but these are the two I have been using a lot to educate myself about how these parameters interact. Download at I hope it's useful and saves someone else the trouble! John John Crockett Westminster, Vermont --- In Paul Jacobson <> wrote: > > Klas, > > The information to do so is out there, on Raimund's site for example. > |
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