--- In "Avocet" <> wrote:
Yes, I think the frog (hyla meridionalis) is responding to the bird.
I would like to make my files in soundcloud downloadable to everibody but I=
d'ont know how to make it possible ?
Regards and thank you for your help,
> Jos=C3=A9,
> Had to have a go at this one. It was recorded M-S converted to L-R.
> The S signal was too low and I enhanced it 30dB, bringing up plenty of
> mp3 artifacts. You did not mark if up on Soundcloud for downloading so
> I had to re-record it.
> Anyway, the bird and frog were clearly separated on the enhanced
> stereo and the frog was responding to the bird call. Although frog
> croaks sound to us like a low frequency sound, it is actually bursts
> of 5KHz if you look at the waveform. This is the same frequency as the
> bird call, and the frog (of little brain) was simply responding to the
> bird as if it was a possible mate. :-)
> David
> David Brinicombe
> North Devon, UK
> Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce