I think that it is a bird and a frog, the bird I don't know ( I have presum=
ed luscinia megarhincos but it can be other bird, the frog I think is Hyla =
meridionalis, but it can also be, hyla arborea or rana perezi. the place is=
well studied by scientists because it is a place that is part of the Unive=
rsity of Lisbon,and in the papers there are only these tree frogs and the s=
ound seems to me hyla meridionalis.
--- In "hartogj" <> wrote=
> Hi Jos=E9,
> I listened to it after balancing the M and S, and I will agree with David=
that it does sound like the calls are coming from two different positions.=
I am not familiar with the specific species, but I could surmise a few pos=
sibilities. It could be a bird and a frog. It could be two birds. It could =
be one bird projecting calls in two directions.
> John Hartog
> --- In "freitojos" <josefreitas81@> wro=
> >
> > Helo, this is not a good soundscape recording
> >
> >
> >
> > but I am intrigued about the explanation why the frog in this small sa=
mple responds constantly to the bird sound.
> > I am intrigued, someone can explain this strange to me sintony and corr=
> > Regards,
> > Jos=E9
> >