<<I take the front pair as, arbitrarily, correct, and calculate a speed cor=
rection for the rear pair based on the measuring the number of samples in e=
ach head-to-tail clicks span. I enter that correction into Pitch-n-Time as =
a "classic" varispeed change--this changes both pitch and time together, wh=
ich is what you want because the two clocks are not at the same rate. Here =
a small compromise is made because PnT allows fewer significant digits than=
I would like. <snip>
This all is a bit of a chore but the results sound good.>>
Seems quite a bit of a chore. I'm always fascinated to see how others go ab=
out a task I do myself & how the approaches differ. I have done exactly wha=
t you describe, though with concert recordings, using head & tail sync pops=
. However, in Digital Performer, I align the tail pops simply by grabbing t=
he edge of the waveform display of the secondary pair & pulling it to visua=
lly match the sync pop on the main pair. It takes several seconds & the com=
puter then resamples the file.
Scott Fraser