I guess you're right. The iphone/ipod would be more practical. I was thin=
king of terms of metering.
This software will be the game changer.
--- In Peter Shute <> wrote:
> It had to happen, I suppose. I also think it's a bit big to be practical =
in the field, and it would be harder to protect from the weather than somet=
hing smaller. Same thing on an iPod Touch would be useful.
> But forgetting about size, the important difference between this and a de=
dicated device is the fact that someone other than the manufacturer has con=
trol over the software. Easy for them to program in complex timers and acti=
vation methods.
> I would be more interested in editing software. If something with the cap=
abilities of Audacity was available for iPads then I'd consider getting one=
> Peter Shute
> --------------------------
> Sent using BlackBerry
> ________________________________
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Sat Jun 02 08:24:21 2012
> Subject: [Nature Recordists] Is an ipad the future portable recording?
> I've been looking at recorder specs for the past two weeks and I've notic=
ed something that I haven't thought of before. There are more and more peop=
le using an ipad to record. In a few weeks a company will release 24bit mul=
titrack recording software for the ipad. A few years ago this was unheard o=
f. The next question is how does one get sounds into the ipad. This is wher=
e the fun starts.
> A couple of months ago I purchased a Presonus vsl22 protable 2 channel au=
dio interface to record on my laptop. This is a great little unit with plen=
ty of gain and an EIN of -129. I started looking on forums and saw that som=
e guys have come up with a portable solution to record on the ipad. Here is=
what they use.
> Ipad
> Recording software for Ipad ($5)
> Camera connecter kit (to provide USB to the ipad $5 on ebay)
> Rechargeable USB battery pack (to provide enough power to the recorder. T=
he ipad doesn't send enough juice) ($10 to $20)
> Presonus Recorder ($200)
> USB Split Cable ($1 to $5 on ebay)
> So for under $250 (provided you have an ipad) you have a mobile recording=
solution that will last around 10hrs in the field and has an EIN of -129)
> Here's a little to some guys that have done this. Hope no one minds me br=
inging this topic up. Any thoughts?
> http://iosmidi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3D5&t=3D112