>From the SoundCloud 'Help' section about encoding and why peoples songs sou=
nd like crap. (My words)
Sometimes our transcoding system can create audio artifacts, as we transcod=
e all tracks to 128 kbps mp3 for streaming playback. Uploading a lossless o=
r high-quality lossy file will usually reduce these to a minimum, but unfor=
tunately there's not much we can do for the handful of individual tracks th=
at are still affected.
If you choose to make your track downloadable though, the version users can=
download will be an exact copy of the version you uploaded, without any tr=
Me again. So it may be better uploading from a Wav file as your MP3 encoded=
file will get re-encoded by soundcloud.
I remember trying to upload an MP3 file to this group a long time ago to ID=
a bat call. UNless it was at a very high sample rate, the high pitched bat=
calls were not included. So SoundClouds 128 kbps transcoding may also be l=
oosing the Grasshoppers too.