I am interestes in one cable 6 conductors for ms stereo recording, why two =
cords when you can have only one with two xlr each side, is a lot more easy=
to whrap and I think the interference can be controled. Does anyone knows =
about this cable.
Best regards,
Jos=E9 Freitas
--- In "jtudor2005" <> wrote:
> --- In "Robin" <robin@> wrote:
> >
> > jtudor2005 wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > What's the "right way" to uncoil the over-under coil?
> > > > >
> > > > > -Dan
> > >
> > > Dan
> > >
> > > I hold both XLRs (one in each hand) and throw the body of cable away =
from me (towards where it should be going). I never get kinks.
> > >
> > > I stand at the record (or stand) and throw it towards the stand (or r=
ecorder) Cables are about 25 metres long and never kink.
> >
> > I have never been comfortable doing this. The impact of the XLR connect=
or on whatever surface it happens to come down on promises considerable re-=
soldering down the line.
> >
> > Then again, I am likely needlessly worried.
> >
> > -- robin
> Robin
> Read again what I wrote. I hold BOTH XLRs (one in each hand) and throw th=
e body of the cable away from me. I still have hold of the XLRs. I never le=
t go of them. I then leave one where I was and walk the other to where it n=
eeds to be. In the process the cable, now safely onrolled on the ground, wi=
ll not kink or tangle. Picture walking away from a tap with the garden hose=
following you.
> BTW, in the interest of XLR safety, I walk along the cable when rolling i=
t rather than drag the XLR towards me across the ground.