If you don't want to go through this hassle when you're actually
starting out on a journey, you can go to a Customs office at the
airport (or in places like Washington, DC, you can go to the downtown
Customs office) in advance of the trip. Present your gear and the
form, and have an agent inspect your gear there and verify what you
have listed on the form. Then when you travel you just present the
verified form.
The form doesn't need to have every cable and windscreen on
it...mainly the pricey items that have serial numbers or are otherwise
potentially dutiable.
If you travel with the same kit of gear you can use the same form for
multiple exits/reentries. So fill out a form with everything of value
in your collection and get that verified. Nothing says you have to
take everything on your list on every subsequent trip.
Note that this only applies to clearing US Customs...other countries
may have individual quirks. But having this form along has helped me
in a few entries into other lands as well. And carrying multiple
copies of a complete gear list, including cables and windscreens, can
also smooth the way when entering and exiting other countries as well.
And when carrying a form like this, I have never had a detailed search
of my gear upon reentry to the US. YMMV.
> When you go to check in, get the airline representative to cal a
> customs officer for you, Make sure you fill the form in with ALL
> serial numbers
> http://forms.cbp.gov/pdf/CBP_Form_4455.pdf