> maybe I should buy some really cheap portable recorder with onboard
> mics and use it for a while
Check out the Tascam DR-100. I got one discounted from Canford Audio
in the UK and am using it daily as my main recorder. It has a choice
of inputs including XLR with or without phantom power, continuous
running with a change of file name at a choice of file sizes and a 2
sec pre-record. It has an auto run function with threshhold levels
down to -48dB triggering at bit levels, but the minimum run-on is only
5 secs. Forget the on-board mics but they are useful for voice idents.
Biggest gripe is battery life using phantom power which is just over
an hour depending on standby listening, so it needs external power.
You can run on alkalines for a few minutes while you change the
rechargeable battery which it will charge off a USB link. Can't fault
the quality using Sennheiser MKH's either direct or through an SQN
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce