Marinos Koutsomichalis wrote:
> I also came across some discussions about
> the low-end of the ls-11 - it is reported
> to be somewhat weak or what ?
The story of weak bass begins with the LS-10. Olympus engineers designed i=
n a bass roll-off to help protect against handling noise and wind noise. T=
he result is like having a low cut filter that you can't turn off.
There was some criticism of the LS-10 performance, primarily from concert t=
apers who like to rattle the dishes in the kitchen with bass during playbac=
Olympus responded with a different design in the LS-11. There's a graph of=
frequency response of the built-in mics in the LS-10 and LS-11 here
Reviewers generally like the LS-11 sound better than the LS-10, using phras=
es like "better balanced" and "much more pleasing."
Olympus continues to work on bass performance in its hand-held recorders. =
The primary reason Olympus included three mics in the new LS-7 design is to=
improve bass response.