> I'm still "recovering" from the discovery that this new microphone is not=
only able to record at 200kHz, but that it ALSO performs as a Time-Expansi=
on bat detector! Amazing! Until now, the only way to get time expanded reco=
rdings of bats: Was to dig deep into your wallet =A3=A3=A3/$$$...The lowest=
cost unit (that I was thinking of buying myself) cost =A3468.20 !
> This is awesome!!
using SEAwave od SEApro you can see in Real Time the spectrogram!
if you do a recording and later open the wave file and change the sampling =
rate you can Hear the time shift changing in tonality in realtime!!
My friend Pavan is working on his SW in order to implement the TIME SHIFT f=
unction in real time this allow the user to hear ultrasound on field and at=
the same time to record the sound you are hearing!
In this way it's not necessary a bat detector and with a netbook or tablet =
+ Ultramic200K it's possible to hear ultrasound and to do recordings.
Thanks all