I believe that Alan Blumlein original mid-side idea was to use an omni
+ fig 8.
On 9/3/10 6:56 PM, clay wrote:
> thanks Rob,
> I keep forgetting about the side-facing 'feature'. :)
> thanks for the reminder.
> and thanks to Grant as well, I have a 20 that I use with my 30 occasional=
> as well. Now I won't feel so 'weird' when I pair an omni with a figure-8=
> going back to the 800 Twin for a moment, I"m assuming this can operate as=
> side facing 'stereo' mic (which much better side noise characteristics th=
> the MKH418S) so long as I assume mid-side decoding/monitoring?
> clay
> On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Rob Danielson<> wrote:
>> At 10:20 AM -0400 9/3/10, clay wrote:
>>> Rob says:
>>> "There's the MKH-80/800 which sounds very different from the MKH-30 to
>>> me in figure 8 mode. Rob D."
>>> Rob,
>>> can you share the differences you've heard?
>>> I've got a 30/40 combo now, and am considering the 800 twin as a single
>> mike
>>> alternative for mid-side.
>>> thoughts? anyone?
>>> thanks much
>>> clay
>> Hi Clay--
>> I don't own the both of them now so I can do a comparison for you--
>> the only way I really feel comfortable about assessing differences.
>> The biggest difference for my uses (high gain natural ambience) was
>> in the lower midrange clarity 125-500 Hz. IMO, all mics are
>> challenged in this range for distant subject/large spaces. The
>> MKH80's produce more tonality- have a little less tonal
>> simplification (drones) in this range compared the the single capsule
>> mkh's. The 2-3 dB(A) less self-noise is a plus, but not a huge deal.
>> The HF looks better over 10KHz; some report the 80/800's response is
>> less noisy up there.
>> You would not be disappointed with a pair of them but note they are
>> side address mics and cannot be used with flush mounted boundaries
>> and not very well in perp either. They'd probably need vertical
>> mounting if a pair was used in MS. I have a pair of 80's which I've
>> been using in a Jecklin array and gaining some experience with. Aaron
>> Ximm has some 800's I think. Rob D
>> --
> ------------------------------------
> "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
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