Hi Scott,
If you're looking to make money from your sound work, expect to spend money=
for the gear you use.
The Sound Devices 702 ($1900) is an excellent two channel recorder, and it'=
s built to last a lifetime. You can spend more than this, but what you're b=
uying is different features, not better sound. If you absolutely have to s=
pend as little as possible on a recorder, the Fostex FR-2LE ($600) has the =
best preamps for the least money. The Fr-2LE is quirky, and lacks the bull=
etproof construction of the Sound Devices recorders. The 702 is available =
as a rental, and on the used market.
I think the pocket-size recorders should not be used as the primary recorde=
r for a professional setup. They work great as "point and shoot" secondary=
recorders and note-taking devices, but they have too many limitations and =
are too fragile for pro field work. There are special circumstances when =
a very small and light recorder is needed, and some research projects need =
to buy cheap, disposable recorders. Generally, for pro work the larger rec=
order is best.