With the D50, a gain above 4 will just lift its noise floor into the aud=
ible range if you have a high playback level. With decently sensitive mics =
(39mV/PA, -28 dB) a gain level of 3 covers most environments for me.
Sensitivity to wind can be partially cured with a dead kitten, although I h=
ave not done much recording with the internal mics.
I think its been suggested a few times on the forum that the FR2-LE which m=
ay now be cheaper than the D50 has phantom power and high quality pre-amps=
includes a short clip using the D50's internal mics, followed by a switch t=
he LS10 to record the rest.
--- In "ssislander" <> wrote:
> I'm new to audio recording. Initially my intention is to record mostly w=
ater such as ocean surf, falls, rapids, rain, though I suspect I'll be tryi=
ng to record quieter sounds at some point. For now I would be converting t=
o mp3. I want good (CD?) quality sound. I assume the "noise" of the water =
allows me to get away with lesser quality.
> I've been reading and researching for the past couple of weeks. I'm cons=
idering the Sony PCM-D50. From the reviews and sound samples I've heard, i=
t seems good, though I've read some complaints about the recorder noise lev=
el. Downsides I see are sensitivity to wind and no phantom power. I would =
try to get away with using the internal mics.
> Noise level complaints....
> http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/all-things-audio/236327-excessive-pcm-d50-noi=
> Reviews and samples....
> http://www.wingfieldaudio.com/sony-pcm-d50-sound-samples.html
> http://www.barryrudolph.com/mix/sonypcmd50.html
> http://transom.org/tools/recording_interviewing/200703_recorder_reviews/
> Or I'm looking at the Sound Devices 702. Great sound, phantom power, mor=
e features/options. Downsides I see are bulk/weight of equipment, cost, mo=
re complicated, requires external mics, and battery limits in the field.
> I would probably go with the Sony PCM-D50 if I knew it was good enough. =
But I don't want to have buyer's regret after a couple of weeks. Any stro=
ng opinions either way?
> Thanks, Bob.