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four-channel digital recording

Subject: four-channel digital recording
From: "Robb N" robb_nichols
Date: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:29 pm ((PDT))

I am asked fairly often for help referring a product that will record four =
channels simultaneously.  Mic preamps would be nice and a USB or Firewire i=
nterface to a laptop would be good.  I've never found such a device outside=
 of a PCI device--which isn't all that convenient for portable applications=
.  Does anybody know of anything?

Short of that, is there free or low-cost software available that will recor=
d two stereo USB sound interfaces at the same time?  This is less desirable=
, I think, because I would expect relative timing errors to occur in the se=
rial data paths of the two cards.  Is there a way to compensate for this?

My application would most often be for setting up hydrophone arrays to moni=
tor the location of cetaceans while recording their vocalizations.  We seem=
 to have so many great options for digital recording these days that is see=
ms like a four-channel budget system could be made without moving into DAQ-=
oriented devices.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards, Robb

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