Date: Thu May 7, 2009 7:37 am ((PDT))
if you want to pass from 96000/24 to audio 44100/16, you must apply
dithering to avoid various unwanted artifacts. Understanding what
dithering does is a bit tricky, but you can just use a simple preset
on your DAW or audio editor if you use one, and that would do the trick.
I don' t think there are any downsides as far as the sampling rate,
but that depends on what you want to do with them.. If you just want
to burn a cd out of them, then its better to record them on 44100..
Regarding the bit depth, I would suggest you allways use the 24bit,
as this means a far greater dynamic range and technically speaking
ths means you no longer need to be "as near as possible to the 0 dbu"
to get a decent recording, this eases a lot of things and you can
avoid a lot of unwanted clippings.
On 07 =CE=9C=CE=B1=CF=8A 2009, at 4:53 =CE=9C=CE=9C, Drew Panko wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am recording with a PMD-d50 with a Telinga mic.
> I've been recording at 44.1 khz/16 bit.
> I would like to start recording at 44.1 khz/24bit &/or 96khz/24 bit
> but I worry
> that when I write to an audio CD, the resampling might introduce
> artifacts.