At 9:09 PM +0000 3/10/09, John Tudor wrote:
>I saw this on the phonography site, so thought I'd copy it here. Can
>I hear cringing in the background.....
>Renowned nature recording Gordon Hempton has a book+cd coming out
>later this month in North America about his One Square Inch of Silence
>He's also doing a reading tour across the states in April:
Hi John--
I received an advance copy not long ago. "One Square Inch," has been
an absolute delight to read. Its about listening, of course, and with
much larger appeal than I would have ever guessed. He takes
inspiration from Samuel Clemens, John Muir, and eclectic
representatives of modern day practitioners of "silence." One
needn't be naturalist, an environmentalist and certainly not a
recordist to appreciate this work and his concerns. He appeals to our
perceptual survival - to the animal in all of us. Rob D.