Enough now, I'm calling time on this subject. No more, I insist!
Martyn Stewart
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Please excuse any spelling mistakes I make on this tiny keyboard
On Mar 11, 2009, at 4:08 PM, "John Tudor" <> wrote:
> --- In Bernie Krause <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Haven't yet read the book, but just hope Hempton can elevate his own
> > vision this time without disparaging the work of others in the
> > process. BTW, did he actually write it or did Grossman?
> >
> > Bernie Krause
> Bernie
> You say that "... hope Hempton can elevate his own vision this time
> with out disparaging the work of others in the process ..." And yet
> that is EXACTLY what you're doing here. This is why I said in my
> first post about this new book, ".. Can I hear cringing..." because
> I knew you wouldn't be able to rise above your personal feelings,
> and worse still, telling everyone about them.
> There is no need to push your low opinions of someone onto others
> Bernie. It's a sign of petty weakness and we should, I hope, be able
> to expect more from you. Did he write or or did Grossman? Did you
> write your own stuff, or did someone else? In the big scheme of
> things, what matters is that the issue is getting out there. Be smug
> in your own knowledge about him, but maybe keep it to yourself.
> What is a real shame is that we can all learn a lot from you.
> Unfortunately, it's comments like these that paint a picture of you
> as someone that is not worth learning from.