Posted by: "Martyn Stewart"
> I totally agree with you about the omni included in the pattern, it
> just doesn't work in my opinion, I have a couple of 800 mics and I
> know what you mean about the MKH-30 being a little weak. But to house
> the MKH-800 on top of each other is a little bulky, what do use for a
> mic suspension for the 80's?
There is a photo on my M/S paqe of the 80/80 setup. It's a Rycote stereo
suspension and zep. Kind of like a small watermelon in size....
> There was talk of a 30 equivalent with the 800 series and I think it
> would make more sense. Again though, i can't find a stereo mic
> suspension for the MKH-8020's etc...
The 80/800 do have a figure 8 in their pattern set. You probably mean
the 8000 series, where a figure 8 is needed.
On the MKH-8020 how about the SASS? I'd do one, but can't afford the
mics. Or more like spending elsewhere.
Otherwise I'd expect some of the rycote small suspensions would carry them.
> Really good to know you are well, Walt....
Well enough to bike tour across the state again this year. I get really
good gas mileage on the Greenspeed. I'm in the process of building up
another from a frame.
Been spending a lot of time on another of my hobbies, photography.
Getting used to a new Sony a700 and several lenses new to me that I
added this year.