Hi Syd--
Happy to help. Yes, its Mac compatible.
To get this answer, I entered a string of precise terms like,
"Olympus LS-10 mac compatible" into "Google" http://www.google.com
or "Yahoo" (both search engines). The "matching (underlined, blue)
links" are pages where all of the terms coincide. This page heading
jumped out at me and had the answer:
http://recorders.com/MAC-Compatible-c-296.html Best wishes, Rob D.
At 6:46 AM +1000 5/29/08, Syd Curtis wrote:
>In my octogenarian "wind-down" status I'm not expecting to buy new recording
>equipment and therefore haven't read all the advice already given on
>naturerecordists re the Olympus LS-10. So I apologise if my question has
>been covered before.
>I did gather that it appears to be an excellent piece of equipment and drew
>it to the attention of my son, who is not a nature sound recordist but may
>have use for a recorder. He has written:
>I took a look at the Olympus LS-10 that is not yet released in
>Australia. Very interesting, though I couldn't confirm if it would
>speak to a Mac. The description suggested to me it talked to a
>Windows PC. Another topic to watch and wait.
>So, advice please. Does it? Talk to Macs?