I've always had good results from the Sony MDR7506 headphones. They're
light, comfortable, fit around the ear...blocking out some, but not
all ambient sound, rugged, and foldable. This model has a coiled
cable...loved by some, hated by some, and a gold plated plug (with an
adaptor that converts the mini to 1/4"). The response seems to push on
the high side. But, that can be a good thing. If you can't hear much
high freq noise through these headphones, your recording will probably
sound good. Sony also makes the MDR V6, which are virtually the same,
but a bit cheaper. Very slightly reduced bass response, nickel plated
plugs, and a staight cable. Hope this helps. Bill
--- In "cynthiaminn" <>
> I'm interested in recommendations for in-the-field headphones.
> Lightness would play a factor. Have been doing a lot of reading in
> the archives but haven't been able to find this topic.
> The success with the Zoom H2 and all the fantastic information and
> support from this group have given me the confidence to take the more
> technical step of getting microphones for my Hi-MD recorder. Just
> ordered two AT3032's, an ART Phantom II, and Canare cable. Need to
> get the field headphones.
> Thanks,
> Cynthia Nogar
> Rochester, MN