> My question is: Is there a 5.1 mobile rig that is around $5k and is
> lightweight to carry into the field?
Are you committed to that particular mic? (Is that the one based on an
elliptical 'head' and imbeded DPA 4060 capsules?)
The absolute smallest multichannel system I know of is the Zoom H2...
Four channel surround in your jeans pocket for $190. ;)
The smallest 'serious' system would be the new Core Sound Tetramic
(ambisonics A-format) 'pin mic,' matched 4Mic pre, and Sound Devices
Message: 722.
The 4Mic contains A/D and allegedly will multiplex four channels of
24/96 onto two 24/192 channels, 'converting' the 722 (etc.) into a
4-channel recorder. I've yet to hear any reports of how this works in
the field. As a result of feedback from people interested in the
system the 4Mic is sized to complement a 722 series recorder btw.
Assuming it works you could multiplex any four channel array
presumably. E.g. double-MS... Chris Watson described using a 3-mic
double-MS system at our BASEbot listening salon here in SF this past
week. He uses an outboard SQN mixer for pres and a 744 to record
three tracks via line level input...
83% happy
9% disgusted
6% fearful
2% angry