As I stated in my last e-mail, this has now got to stop, I will give you th=
benefit of not reading my post before you sent this one.
Gentlemen and ladies, NO MORE...
Martyn Stewart
Bird and Animal Sounds Digitally Recorded at:
Redmond. Washington. USA
N47.65543 W121.98428
Tel: 425-898-0462
Make every Garden a wildlife Habitat!
On Behalf Of jpbeale
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:47 AM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: Climate change and human connections
Walter, I have attempted to summarize some of your points.
Do these accurately describe your position?
1) Human activity cannot have as much of an effect on the environment
as the IPCC (WMO/UNEP) Climate Change 2007 report suggests they have.
2) Humans want to think they are influencing climate because they have
a big ego.
3) Conservative Christians want to believe in global warming because
it agrees with the bible.
4) You have observed problems with some computer models in the past,
and therefore this report is wrong.
5) This report takes things on faith, and is not good science.
6) You have not read the report.