Posted by: "Marc Myers"
> Somewhat off topic, but frog recordings will suffer from the lack of frog=
The hair shirt and floggings brigade have had to back off their rhetoric
a bit as this fungus appears to be a natural phenomena. And as far as
global warming, we are on the warming end of the ice age cycle, and this
has repeated numerous times for at least the last half million years
without making frogs extinct. And last I checked there is no evidence we
were driving SUV's half a million years ago.
So far Georgia has frogs, I had a uplands chorus frog calling out front
yesterday. Though the temp was 26 degrees. They do call better when it's
a little warmer, though they are either in the water or down in the leaf
litter, a little warmer that way. We are in the late part of their
calling season.
I'm in the process of grountruthing routes for the Georgia NAAMP survey.
I may be a regional coordinator and have a published CD of calls out,
but I have to prove that I know frogs in their frogquiz. And then retake
it once a year as well.
I really hate realaudio, it's no better than it was when I dumped it
from my website and went with mp3, the samples on that site play very
poorly for a 56k modem link. Not only do they have them in the
compressed realaudio format, but then they mix those via computer to
make the quiz samples, and realaudio runs still another round of
compression on top of that just for 56k users. And I'm supposed to
identify that garbage? Anyone else taken the NAAMP quiz through a 56k
modem link?
I have told them exactly what damage they are doing to the sounds and
why. Not that it does any good. It's really sad that a national website
is so poor.