Posted by: "Chuck B"
> Walter Knapp wrote:
>> >And as far as
>> >global warming, we are on the warming end of the ice age cycle, and thi=
>> >has repeated numerous times for at least the last half million years
>> >without making frogs extinct. And last I checked there is no evidence w=
>> >were driving SUV's half a million years ago.
>> >
>> >
> Interesting. One could also say, "Hey, I didn't die yesterday, I must=
> be immortal."
Not the human race. If it survives the next 50,000 years it will get a
lesson on just how variable the earth's climate is as the earth's orbit
swings back to oval from it's current near circular. The carbon dioxide
levels follow that cycle. And geologic cycles as most carbon dioxide is
in rocks.
There is a lot that can be laid at the doorstep of the human race, but
not everything that happens can. Nor can humans "fix" such things. It's
too bad people cannot work out the difference.
You are talking to a real biologist, you won't get me thinking I'm
immortal. Though it might be fun to personally see how stupid the human
race will be in the long run.
I guess you are saying humans are not adaptable. They sure better learn