Yes, it's an idea. But first we have to find out about the tones and
clicks which it maybe still generates.
Some people have added three 1000 mfd 4v tantal condensors over the
voltage rail. This is easily done, but those condensors can only be
bought in the US, they are expensive, and you have to pay some 100
dollars to the courier.
I mean - if modifications make the recorder as expensive as a
recorder which is okay as it is, there is no point in making the mod's...?
Unless you really need a small recorder. As far as I know, the ones
working well as they are, are quite big, like my new Fostex.
And if you have to add an extra power pack to the Zoom, it isn't
small anymore... life is awful...
At 01:09 2007-02-18, you wrote:
> >After these modifications - new firmware and replacing the internal
> >mic's, the Zoom H4 is really a good budget alternative for "daily
> >life" nature recording.
>Maybe you should start selling modified units, like Oade Bros.
>How about adding a 3.5mm jack that switches from the internal mics?
>-Dan Dugan
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
>Yahoo! Groups Links
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