Similarly, I've had small insects flying and buzzing around my fur mic
cover and my solution was to wave my other arm slowly in front of the mic.
The 'invasive' part also reminds me of the times I've explained what
I'm doing to the curious who can't comprehend that I don't have a
camera. "Why record sounds?" The suspicious sometimes reply that they
thought I was with OSHA or some other sound-abatement effort.
--- In Lou Judson <> wrote:
> Worst I have experienced was when a chipmunk attacked my fur mic covers
> in ZMuir Woods - while it was on a stump...
> <L>
> Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
> 415-883-2689
> On Oct 1, 2006, at 10:44 AM, Toby Sinkinson wrote:
> > Of course, when I first pressed play, unaware of how much I was
> > amplifying distant sounds, I heard the sound of an elk charging. In
> > the dark, with headphones I had the experience of this elk running
> > over me. I was completely intimidated; it is hilarious now to think
> > about, but I am wondering if others have ever felt that recording was
> > invasive?