"Bruce Wilson" <> wrote:
> 1: ORTF using normal cardioids
> 2: ORTF using wide cardioids (11 O'clock position)
> 3: MS using mid=3Dnormal cardioid
> 4: MS using mid=3Dwide cardioid
> 5: MS using mid=3Domni
> 6: Blumlein
> 7: XY with normal cardioids
> 8: XY with wide cardioids
> 9: AB using wide cardioids spaced 20 inches (0.5 m)
> 10: NOS using wide cardioids
Nice link for those who are new here:
> I realize that when MS-omni is decoded is should be
> identical to Blumlein, but it didn't sound that way,
> probably because of the non-ideal patterns of the mics.
Interesting, I heard that, it was the plane sounds that
made me pick 6 over 5. MS-omni put them a bit too much
in front and in the middle to come across as real.
I'm also not surprised I picked Blumlein,
after all, Alan *is* the inventor of stereo:
You must have had them positioned quite good though
(for what those mics needed in that location).