The Pacific Ocean seemed unusually fierce throughout the night =96 a
constant rumble with periodic roar from infragravity waves every three
minutes or so. I awoke several times to exploding crashes that came
at some longer interval. Ordinarily, from half a mile away a twelve
foot swell does not sound this present, especially with a breeze from
the east. A 40 foot swell on February 4th drastically changed the
beach profile: perhaps it also altered the local bathymetry exposing
the cobbled bottom usually smoothed over by sand =96 and making the surf
sound much louder.
Clip 01 - The ocean's roar 700 meters inland from the shore (2MB, 2:14
Clip 02 - The surf from the shore (1.7MB, 1:51 min.)
Clip 03 =96 Another spot on the shore (1.1MB, 1:13 min.)
Here's a Google Earth view of the location:
Recorded 2/6/2006 at Arch Cape,Oregon with two Rode NT1-As, a rolls
pb224, and a Sony MZ-rh10.
John Hartog