Hi All and a Thanks to Rich and Marc,
I am pleased to hear that these problems can be addressed with software. It
is a lot less expensive that way. Audition has been on my radar for awhile
now, and I am glad to hear about the new version getting praise.
I like to do a lot of low latency recording and USB 1.1 just doesn't cut it=
So until I address that problem first, I will not have solved anything. I a=
thinking of rigging my laptop's PCMIA card to adapt to firewire.
I have an older IBM Thinkpad with a processor speed of around 750mhz, and a
limited amount of ports. Is anyone running this type of system and what has
been your experience?
So my question is, what are your strategies for overcoming the
> speed / RAM etc.. to make things run smoothly for high bit rate
> with a starting point at say 24/96
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