So by "standard", do you mean unbalanced, or balanced, or does it matter?
The Y cable that John Hartog asked about is balanced, but some of the other=
links people have given don't say.
At 09:23 PM 10/29/2005, you wrote:
>At 7:33 PM -0700 10/29/05, Debbi B wrote:
> >I meant, if I'm using just one mic for now, can the Y cable be used with
> >just one mic attached?
>Yes, with one condenser mic. I haven't tried it with one dynamic, but
>then there would be no reason to use the Rolls with one dynamic mic
>as you could plug it into the mic input with a simpler adapter cable.
> >
> >Another question came up as I was perusing Hosa cables.
> >The ones I've
> >looked at are balanced. The Rode looks balanced. How does that work with
> >the Sony MZ-NH1 (and PB224)? Can someone explain it for me?
>Most good mics are balanced and use standard mic cables (including
>the Rode NT1-A).
>Most balanced mics have an 3 pin XLR male conductor connector built-in.
>A standard mic cable
> (need 2 for stereo)
>will have a 3 pin XLR female connector on one end to attach to the
>mic and a 3 pin XLR male connector on the other end to connect to the
>Rolls Mic input.
>The $12v adapter cable that oryoki found is used between the Rolls
>outputs and the HiMD mic input jack.
>Rob D.
> =3D =3D
> >
> >At 03:22 PM 10/29/2005, you wrote:
> >>The 2-XLR->1/8" Y cable is needed for both applications-- that is
> >>when two mics need phantom or just one that needs phantom. Rob D.
> >>
> >>
> >>At 11:02 AM -0700 10/28/05, Debbi B wrote:
> >> >One more thing. If I'm thinking of a second mic for the future, shou=
ld I
> >> >get the Y cable and just use one side?
> >> >
> >> >At 05:27 PM 10/26/2005, you wrote:
> >> >>Oops -- that's right, 3.5mm is roughly 1/8".
> >> >>
> >> >>If you want to use a second mic that will not be powered by the Rol=
> >> >>box, just disconnect one of the female XLR cables from the Rolls
> >> >>output and attach the second mic cable to it. Now you have one mic
> >> >>cable passing through the Rolls, and one that bypasses it. Both
> >> >>connect to the "Y" cable that ends in the 3.5mm plug. This way the
> >> >>Rode mic will be recorded on one of the channels, and the second mi=
> >> >>on the other.
> >> >>
> >> >>This is one case where a picture is much better than words.
> >> >>
> >> >>The Rolls box is powered by two 9v batteries. Making the giant lea=
> >> >>of faith that each battery powers one mic, it might be possible to
> >> >>take one battery out and use its channel, now unpowered, to connect=
> >> >>the mic that has its own power module.
> >> >>
> >> >>If you want to try this approach, be sure to check the phantom powe=
> >> >>delivered to the mic cables using a multimeter before attaching
> your mic.
> >> >>
> > > >>--oryoki
> > > >>
>Rob Danielson
>Film Department
>University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
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