I agree with you that for scientific purposes one should get good and more =
expensive equipament. That's why I had to save money for 2 years untill I c=
ould buy a Sennheiser me66/k6 and a Hi-MD recorder (wich allow me to do pre=
tty good recordings that fit the requirements of virtually all scientific b=
ioacoustic studies related to birds). But I still cannot see any difference=
, from a scientific point of view, of a bird responding to playback done wi=
th a 200 $ speaker or responding to a playback done with a not-so-wonderful=
-but-yet-good 13 $ Radio Shack speaker. The result is the same: the bird re=
Unfortunatelly I have to pack my stuff for a field trip and cannot discuss =
this subject with more detail. But I'll try to access internet somewhere so=
meday in the next 2 weeks so I can read any further message on this issue. =
I've seen some pretty "bad" equipment that works great for calling
in birds. I have a friend who went on an expensive birding trip where
the leader used a cheap Radio Shack cassette recorder with a built-in
mic ($40? $30?). The question is, what is suitable for scientific
research and/or making recordings that please human beings? *Those* are
the expensive categories.
-- Chuck
>Chuck Bragg, Pacific Palisades, CA
>Membership, Newsletter, Web manager
>Santa Monica Bay Audubon Society
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