Thanks Paul. I wasn't really as disturbed as I sounded (having read my
message!) but was surprised...
Thanks for this rational explanation. Sometimes I'm so innocent!
Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
On Oct 25, 2005, at 4:01 AM, Paul Coopmans wrote:
> Lou and others,
> Calling in birds is done all the time on international birding tours,
> and
> if done sensibly should cause no harm. No one has ever been able to
> demonstrate otherwise.
> I'm sure one can still argue against it, but perhaps it is a small
> price to
> pay for the enormous benefits the international birding tours have
> brought to:
> 1. our knowledge of bird distributions
> 2. our knowledge of bird sounds; often the bird tour leaders are the
> ones
> who get the first recording of a species or new types of vocalization
> from
> a species; moreover the identity of the species has often been
> revealed by
> calling it in
> 3. opening the eyes of local people in favor of conserving habitats
> There is very little if no funding available for people to go sound
> recording in e.g. the Neotropics, and if it weren't for these birding
> tours
> our knowledge on the bird sounds today would be far more scant.
> In addition, sensible playback is often used for bird inventory
> purposes.
> Best regards, Paul