CALLING them in??? I thought the entire point was getting them in their
natural habitat, not calling them like duck hunters!
Sorry, I am into soundscapes, and creatures as part of it, not into
birds or other species in specific, and the idea of luring them sounds
a bit creepy to me. Like the new squid photos, where the Japanese
"scientists" used lethal grappling hooks baited with fish to snag the
animal, and took pictures for five hours until it ripped off its
feeding arm to escape... Sorry if that is gory but it relates! What do
they think when they find they have been tricked? Do they have distinct
scolding or disappointment cries?
I apologize if this is normal for birders, but I am shocked! Are
"expensive" birding trips like eco-tourism? Hunting, only with cameras?
My idealistic California sensibilities imagines complete
harmlessness... and going to them, not drawing them to you. I also
imagine some other bird recordist catching the sounds of your lures as
some exotic species, only to find it is a duck call!
Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
On Oct 25, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Chuck B wrote:
> I've seen some pretty "bad" equipment that works great for calling
> in birds. I have a friend who went on an expensive birding trip where
> the leader used a cheap Radio Shack cassette recorder with a built-in
> mic ($40? $30?). The question is, what is suitable for scientific
> research and/or making recordings that please human beings? *Those* are
> the expensive categories.