Hi folks,
A word of caution on the Radio Shack 277-1008C
miniamp: A few years back I did a calibration test on
one such unit, from 1-15 kHz in intervals of 500 Hz.
The frequency response curve was anything but smooth.
In addition, response dropped dramatically from 11.5
kHz upwards.
--- Vitor Piacentini <> wrote:
> Paul,
> Do you know Radio Shack mini amplifier speaker (cat.
> no. 277-1008C)? This one is powerful, light and
> cheap: US$ 13.00!!!! It works with a 9v battery. I
> think it is a really nice option. Regards,
> V=EDtor Piacentini
> Florian=F3polis - SC - Brasil
> --------------------------------------------
> XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia
> 30 de outubro a 4 de novembro de 2005 - Bel=E9m - PA
> www.museu-goeldi.br/hpcongresso
> Associe-se =E0 Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia -
> Veja como em www.ararajuba.org.br
> *********************************************
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