At 9:12 AM -0700 10/4/05, Martyn Stewart wrote:
>It is 8lbs in weight, I suppose you could make one yourself but by the tim=
>you go out and get the hot glue gun, battery caddy, order the plug from
>Sound devices you may think $275 is cheap!
>I have 2 internal Sony batteries I carry and this exterior battery caddy
>fits like a finger in a clove in the front pouch of the excellently made
>Portabrace bag, recording time with this set-up including all batteries is
>about 4 days in the field.....
>What more could a bloke want? (don=92t answer that :)
Not using throw away batteries. :-)
The below page has links to Hirose connector,
batteries and the charger you can use to charge
the whole 12 volt pack at once:
At $200, does 24/48K for 12 hours, headphones off. Recharges in 8 hours. Ro=
b D.
Rob Danielson
Film Department
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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