I couldn't find anything more definitive reading the Forum than
Kurisu's letter that Mark posted. Folks are inferring that MD and
HiMD are not part of Sony's future product plans by their omission at
recent company announcement.
Given the scale of Sony's restructuring and trends towards hard drive
recorders with direct transfer, it does make sense they would cease
production of their removable disc-based recorders. The mentions of
"audio" in the announcement pertain to portable players and new
entertainment options with no mention of "Pro Audio" or new recorders
I could find.
Will take a few days for this news to soak in. Could be that folks
who are happy with HiMD might want to consider buying a replacement
recorder and some disks. Might even be that these units are the last
audio recorders Sony will make. Rob D.
= = = =
At 12:52 PM +0200 10/2/05, Klas Strandberg wrote:
>Interesting. I registered and had a look at the postings.
>What worries me a bit is that (hope not!) the new generation of recorders
>won't have a mic input or analog input at all.
>At 00:51 2005-10-02, you wrote:
>>Hello All,
>> Had to share this surprising and disturbing news.
>> Mark R.
>> From the MD Forums>
> > Hi, it's the administrator kurisu. Either I see you every day, or you've
>>been around once and never again. Your still a friend, and must know what's
>>The Minidisc format is seemingly going to stop being actively developed.
>>Sony's recent initative to restructure and give more definition to their
>>products has initated the decision to cut "15 product lines.." This is very
>>disturbing news. Right now there's a very slim chance that Hi-MD may even
>>see a third generation, and if it were, it would probably be the definitive
>>last. I'm not so sure anymore that the Connect Player will even support MD.
>>There's something else on the horizon now, a unified approach.
>>Sony had a recent webcast in New York, displaying the path in which they
>>would take for the next few years. Walkman was incessantly touted, but MD
>>was nowhere to be seen. Judging by the focus of the webcast, it should've
>>was very clear as to what Sony's immediate future will be, and I can
>>honestly say I do
>>not see MD in the equation.
>>This is causing an uproar in the community; please visit the (massive)
>>discussion thread about it and share opinions with fellow MD enthusiasts --
>>Christopher MacManus
>>Founder, Sony Voice Network
>>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>"Microphones are not ears,
>>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>>A listening room is not nature."
>>Klas Strandberg
>>Yahoo! Groups Links
>Telinga Microphones, Botarbo,
>S-748 96 Tobo, Sweden.
>Phone & fax int + 295 310 01
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Rob Danielson
Film Department
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]