At 8:47 AM -0500 8/19/05, Curt Olson wrote:
>Rob Danielson wrote:
> > I'm finding that using three stereo "multi" plugs for six output
>> channels doesn't require much CPU usage either.
>On a plug-heavy session yesterday, I found that adding the full
>multi-meter version of Inspector XL to the master channel bogged things
>down pretty badly -- on a G3 iBook. In general, the more graphically
>intense a plugin is, the more it will slow down my display.
Thanks for the report Curt. Others may also not get the performance I
am. I'm getting about 5% increase in CPU usuage per multi plug on a
Tibook 1GHz G4/1GB ram. It could be that Logic is optimized to run on
a G4 or a difference in graphics cards . Do you have a lot of RAM?
Rob D.