--- In Klas Strandberg
<> wrote:
> "Noise??"
> What I meant about "hiss" in my posting about the coyotes, was
> electronic noise. As I heard it, I couldn't believe it was hiss
from the NT1A.
I agree, although I have only a few hours experience with the nt-1a.
Just enough to want one but that goes on the spring buy budget.
> But here is another "noise" Rich, - lots of atmo noise, broken into
> by MP3 and more audible. That is another thing.
> As this recording is, I don't hear any electronic noise at all, not
> after I have used a highpass filter, as the average "atmo" noise
level is
> too high.
> Klas.
I didn't mean to mislead it is just that a smooth atmo noise was
easier to demonstrate with. I suspect some of the noise is also the
dither from when I converted the original file from 24 bit to 16 bit.